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. Don't Get Sued .



My creative content and artwork shall NEVER be reproduced in print or in the physical sense by any person other than myself, in any way shape or form, without my permission.  EVER.


My creative content and artwork MAY be shared publicly under the following agreements:




My artwork and creative content is protected by the CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

(this includes any of my original artworks, photographs, and writing that appears here on my portfolio website, print shop, Instagram, personal Facebook page and Facebook fan page, as well as my Tumblr account and Blogger account AND ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM including but not limited to Pinterest, Flickr, Deviantart, Model Mayhem etc.) 


This means (in summary) in regards to my artwork and creative content:


  • That I allow sharing of content, if (and ONLY if) I am attributed proper credit; 


  • That I do not allow ANY reproduction of content for commercial purposes without permission (you can’t make money off my art unless I say so);


  • That I do not allow ANY modifications of my content when shared publicly - no photoshopping, color correcting, or placing text or anything else over the image(s) or paired with the image(s) without my permission.


So, apologies to bitches who make memes, you can't do it unless you ask me.


I honestly can't believe I have to list this on my website, but, people are shitheads so, there you go.  (I found my stolen art listed on amazon last year...) (they took it down but seriously...)

ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION before sharing any of my images in any way, to make sure we understand each other, and that you are not violating any part of this agreement. K? :)


Details below:



BY: (Attribution) 

Others who share my work on any format are required to give me appropriate credit.  Appropriate credit means listing my name, Gillian Keller, and links to my website and/or social media accounts online.  Using my image with appropriate credit in no way endorses the person sharing the work, or the use of the work.  Those requesting endorsements must ask my permission first.  In general, it is preferred that images shared outside of Facebook or Instagram platforms be approved by me before sharing.


NC: (Non Commercial)

It is prohibited to distribute, share, reproduce, or display my work in any way for any commercial purposes, unless I grant permission via signed contract. I work with musicians and magazines and will grant permissions to these parties via the signed contracts referenced above, under my permission only.  Each contractual agreement may vary.


ND: (NonDerivative)

It is prohibited to modify my artwork or creative content in any way without my permission.  Any shared copies of my work must be in its original format.  This means that no adding text overlays, no color remixing, no photoshopping of any kind, no taking and using quotes from my writing, no cropping or altering the images or text in any way shall be permitted without my permission.  This agreement excludes light cropping when used on Instagram, as long as the integrity of the original image remains in tact.



And, again, under my copyright, my work shall NEVER be reproduced in print or in the physical sense by any person other than myself, in any way shape or form under ANY circumstance, without my permission.  

If you want some of my art on the cheap, why don't you check out my print shop & search my Instagram for a coupon code?  ;) 




* Any violators of these agreements are subject to legal action. *


Violators of this agreement will be asked ONCE to modify their shared content to adhere to this agreement (or if it has been modified from its original form, to remove the content).  

If the violator does NOT respond to this request - copyright complaints will be filed against the individual via Instagram or Facebook (if use of the content was on social media) and/or legal action can and will be taken.


Ask for permission, not forgiveness! ;)

Sharing is caring - just do it respectfully.





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